You probably already guessed it but love the full body outfit that came with the Cats and Dogs EP XD. I already detached the sweater but saw some ver cute cuffed jeans hidden underneath that tied shirt. I mixed up some parts & textures and ended up with a ‘new’ nice pair of BGC cuffed jeans!
I originally was going to tag them as ‘hot weather’ appropriate but after seeing this screenie from @saurussims (who was also kind enough to give them a test drive, thank you dear!❤) took I gave them both tags. The less limitations, the better!
Also a big shout out to @teanmoon❤ who saved me from losing my mind after some strange UV1 troubles which are of course solved now. Comes in a ripped and plain version (see pic below!) in my newish Denim Palette.
I’ve included a recolor PSD for recolors if you like more options. Tag or @ me if you do over at Tumblr! I’d love to see them! ❤ here’s a small tut on how to use mine.
Lowrise Cuffed Jeans
- BGC.
- New Mesh.
- All LOD's.
- 12 (Denim) Swatches.
- New Speculars, Bump, and edited Shadow map.
- Proper Tags.
- Custom Thumbnails.
- Original mesh credits; EA.
- Normal Polycount.
- Disabled for Random.
- PSD Included.