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Another day, another seasons age conversion! These boots are very cute on kids and to prevent them from getting huge (the adult version) I made them function differently in game then the other pair of Seasons (rain)boots. Unlike those these will go under very poofy pants instead of those pants getting tucked into them. that way I was able to keep the mesh less chunky. 


The toddler version was a pain to make cuz they required edits for all departments; bump, specular, shadows, and all textures of course. Mental support credits goes to my wing girl saurussims​ ;)


Seasons EP required! Comes in adult and toddler version. Not that you need these without seasons… they’re rainboots after all! ;). No PSD included this time. Didn't made any recolors.

Beauty and the Bow Boots

    • Requires the Seasons EP! (EP05)
    • Adult & Toddler Version
    • Conversion.
    • All LOD's.
    • Proper Flags (Cold Weather, Everyday, etc).
    • 12 Original EA Swatches.
    • Edited, Bump, Specular and Shadow map.
    • Custom Thumbnails.
    • Original mesh credits; EA.
    • Within EA's Polycount.
    • Disabled for Random.
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